
Tuesday 18 September 2007

Sales Copywriting

Just thinking about copywriting mindset of prospects. "Reflecting on the thought pattern behind the letter pattern." What is the buying psychology and thinking behind the mind of a prospect when the copywriter presents his offer through an advertising sales copy?
What make people buy is a pre-existing need. All things being equal, people buy when the need arises. Your copywriting project must address the need or greed of your prospects. Human want is insatiable. This is first and foremost the reason people will even look at your headline, title or byline. Remember that inherent desire may be a need, greed or fear. Fear acts quicker than greed. People are more willing to fix a problem than to prevent it. In your sales letter, super size the problem first so that people see the need clearly. Then comes the features addressed as benefits or solution to the prospect's need or problems. Let your sales letter reflect the emotional state of being without your products before introducing the solution. Regardless of your copywriting skill, you cannot change people's ingrained desire or manipulate them by forcing crap on them. your sales letter copywriting becomes a breeze if you know prior desire of people and present it to them. Emotion is the catalyst to winning copywriting that sales products like crazy. People are unconsciously driven by emotions and don't even know it because of the hypnosis of social conditioning. This the same reason why people want to buy but at the same time they hate to be sold. Therefore, your sales letter copywriting will hit a brick wall if you don't discern what people are already buying and giving it to them.
In a nutshell, man is by nature need-driven, reward-oriented (selfish) and risk-evasive. Subconscious buying decisions are made due to emotional conflicts of pleasure-pain principle. People decide emotionally and justify logically with reason(s). That's why emotional copywriting is the natural approach to writing a compelling, persuasive advertising sales copy that converts prospects into buying customers. However, address both emotion (self-interest) and reason in your sales letter copywriting.
In any copywriting project, another emotion that must be addressed with your sales letter call to action is human laziness. Your sales letter should address human tendency to procrastinate and put matters off to a later date. Force a decision by addressing this natural human psyche in your sales letter with scarcity, exclusivity and setting deadlines in your sales letter call to immediate action. Your direct response advertising marketing sales copywriting should address all other concerns or anticipated questions in the mind of your prospect.
Uzo takes you on a journey into the mind of prospects and distills the major reason why people buy from you instead of your competition. For more information about persuasive sales letter copywriting and how to craft a million dollar direct advertising sales letter visit his website.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check out My Copywriter ( It writes click-bank style sales letters automatically.